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검은 유약 찻잔 명 "녹색 머리"
Black Glaze Cylinder Tea Bowl, Named "Ryokumō"
검은 유약 찻잔 명 "녹색 머리"
Black Glaze Cylinder Tea Bowl, Named "Ryokumō"
고대 옆면에 "와타리 큐베에 제작, 81세"라고 새겨져 있으며, 와타리 가문의 4대 큐베에가 호우레키 시대(1750년대)에 만든 작품입니다.
당시 다인(茶人)들이 장수한 도공에게 주문한 다완(茶碗)으로 여겨집니다.
Engraved on the side of the foot ring is "Made by Kyubei at age 81." This piece was fired during the Hōreki era (1750s) by the fourth-generation Kyubei of the Watari family. It is believed to have been a commissioned tea bowl from a tea master of that time, requested from the long-lived potter.
径 | 26cm・23.5cm |
高 | 10cm |
- | 岩屋高麗窯 -江戸初期- |
Diameter | 26cm・23.5cm |
Height | 10cm |
- | Iwaya-kōrai-gama |
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